Groundhog Day Musical will debut on Broadway in 2017

Groundhog Day, the Musical, is about to enter Broadway space. Groundhog Day was a 1993 film starring Bill Murray, a man who was forced to undergo a déjà vu feedback loop of the 24 hours over and over...

Groundhog bites Mayor on Groundhog Day

The Mayor of Wisconsin sure learnt a lesson or two in keeping animals (yes that means even cute fuzzy wuzzy ones) at arms length. He was bitten on the ear by a groundhog on the day of celebration...

Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Six More Weeks of Winter

Today is not only the Super Bowl, but also Groundhog Day. Early Sunday morning Groundhog Phil saw his shadow when he stuck out his head in Punxsutawney, Pensilvania. The Punxsutawney...