Yono In-Ear Wearable Helps getting Pregnant

YONO is a new in-ear wearable to help women understand their ovulation cycles. This little gadget can predict their fertility window when trying to get pregnant. With 1 in 8 couples experiencing...

Planned Parenthood Videos Disturb Hillary Clinton

Videos by Planned Parenthood showed the exchange of aborted fetal tissue. When Hillary Clinton saw this for the first time, she felt the scenes were disturbing. The video clips raised important...

Planned Parenthood Under Fire Over Video Scandal

According to the president of Planned Parenthood her organizations clinics never adjust the abortion procedure in a way to preserve fetal organs for medical research. Moreover she also stated that...

Jemima Kirke talks about having Abortion in School

Jemima Kirke is from New York City. She is a mother of two children and she is also known for her acting. Jemima is also an artist and a good one at that. She talks about the time she became pregnant...