Cars With iOS Functionality To Ship Soon


iOS, the system that we love in our iPhones, iPads and the rest of the Mac family might soon make its debut on an entirely new ground: cars!


Recent data that emerged from The Guardian’s Q&A suggest that Apple’s next big project is called CarPlay. What is this, exactly? Well, it’s a system supposed to make interaction between your vehicle and gadgets an easier affair, but it goes beyond just that: This built-in technology will let users access music apps, make calls, use the phone as a gps, and read messages from the car screen.

This is what Apple has to say about CarPlay: “[it] features Siri voice control and is specially designed for driving scenarios. It also works with your car’s controls — knobs, buttons, or touchscreen. And the apps you want to use in the car have been reimagined, so you can use them while your eyes and hands stay where they belong.”

So far, six companies have pledged support to CarPlay in models coming out this year, while some other twelve are reportedly working with this technology in one way or another.

Source: Geeks Are Sexy

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