Sony is willing to take a couple of risks and so the Ghostbusters franchise is being expanded under pressure. This is to be a light action-packed comedy that is a foil to the Paul Feig film that is...
The ensemble cast of Little House on the Prairie along with director and producer were seen on this reunion. This made the fans of the show so happy that the Entertainment Weekly magazine became the...
Sony is said to be hiring Paul Feig, who also directed Bridesmaids and The Heat, to direct the third sequel for its hot movie series Ghostbusters.Some internal sources also told THR that Ghostbusters...
Bridemaids director Paul Feig is set to helm Ghostbusters 3, but it is an all-female cast or a continuation in the original series? The confusion comes from the fact Variety's reporting a reboot...
Anyone who grew up in the 80's will remember the classic scary comedy movies Ghostbusters. Actor and director Harold Ramis played one of the original Ghostbusters in the film and passed away not long...