Skype for Windows Phone update ‘temporarily’ kills People Hub integration

DNP Skype for Windows Phone update 'temporarily' kills People Hub

Earlier this week Microsoft updated its Skype for Windows Phone application. Making good on its plans to retire Messenger, users can now IM their buddy list from within the app. In addition, the new software push adds the ability to receive calls and messages while Skype is closed, but the changelog cautions that this feature is a "work-in-progress." While we welcome these new features with open arms, they come at somewhat of a steep price. Skype "temporarily" kills the app's integration with Windows Phone's People Hub. Something that Microsoft plans to patch up via another update at an undisclosed time. If you can get past losing such a prominent feature for the sake of being up to date, then head on over to the Windows Phone Store to claim your 8MB prize.

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Via: CNET, GeekWire

Source: Microsoft

Skype for Windows 8 update adds Messenger contact support

DNP Skype for Windows 8 adds Live Messenger to contacts

Microsoft recently revealed that it would be retiring its longstanding Live Messenger platform. However, instead of receiving a commemorative wristwatch and rocking chair for its services, the once prominent IM client will be integrated into Skype during Q1 2013. Taking its first step to get the ball rolling, the company issued an update to Skype for Windows 8. The latest software push brings group searches, improved video performance, bug fixes and most notably Messenger contacts are now available to call. While these changes are subtle, it's good to finally see Microsoft making moves after shelling out $8.5 billion for the privilege a little over a year ago. Hopefully, this will lead to more practical roads, like finally bringing Skype to the Xbox 360. But that would make too much sense, wouldn't it?

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Via: The Next Web

Source: Microsoft