R/C Frilled Dragon Puffs Out Its Neck

I’ve always been fascinated by those crazy looking reptiles that can puff out their necks to scare off predators. But I don’t have the time or patience to take care of a living, breathing lizard. Now, you can enjoy all the thrills of a frilled dragon, with none of the pesky cricket feedings.

This silly looking remote-controlled toy has a lizard-like body, and has the ability to puff out its neck with the push of a button. It can move around autonomously, avoiding objects and changing directions, and can be set to follow a hand placed in front of its face, or lurk about waiting to scare off any threats.

You can grab one of these electric lizards over at Hammacher Schlemmer for $39.99. Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually crawl like a lizard. Instead, it’s got wheels on its underbelly, and it legs and webbed feet are just along for the ride. Eh, what do you want for forty bucks?

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Horned Lizard Rides Robot, Kills Enemies Dead

This may just be the coolest video you see all day. It also may be a glimpse into our robotic future, in which lizards ride and control robots, killing everything in sight. It is as cute as it is terrifying.

lizard_robot_1zoom in

This video upload by Kyoot Animals shows a horned lizard, secure in his cockpit atop a giant mech as both go into battle, firing at the enemy. The best part is that the lizard looks totally pissed and firmly in control. He can’t wait for the future, when he and his mechanical beasts can blast humanity into oblivion, keeping a few of us around to serve him flies and other insects.

You have been warned. Keep your eye on the lizards and don’t let them near the robots.

[via Laughing Squid]