China’s rover finds mysterious minerals on the far side of the moon

Early this year, China's Chang'e-4 lunar lander made history when it became the first spacecraft to touch down on the far side of the moon. Now, according to a study published in Nature, the lander's rover, Yutu-2, may have detected the first signs o...

Chinese Lunar Rover Jade Rabbit is Safe and Sound

It had been thought to be in a state of disrepair. The Yutu or Jade Rabbit lunar rover, launched from Chinese soil, had survived a freezing night in outer space. Despite the worst fears of the...

China will Send a Jade Rabbit Rover to the Moon on Sunday

China is all set to be the third nation, after the United States and Russia, to land a rover on the moon. Over 190,000 proposals regarding the name of the lunar vehicle were received. Finally, Yutu...