The Power of the Force is Strong in These Star Wars PowerTube Batteries

If you are out of the office a lot with your gadgets and running out of power is a concern, you’ll want to carry an external battery pack to juice up. There’s no shortage of portable batteries on the market today. What there is a shortage of are cool looking battery packs. That has changed with the cool Mimoco PowerTube Star Wars Series of batteries.

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You can pick one of these up at ThinkGeek for $29.99(USD) and choose your favorite of four styles. By far the coolest is the lightsaber version since the battery cylinder looks like a lightsaber hilt. It’s awesome. It just needs to actually work like a real lightsaber.

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The other three styles aren’t quite as cool, but are still pretty neat. They include Darth Vader, C-3PO, and a Stormtrooper. Each of the batteries comes with a modular USB cable making it work with just about any device you have.

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Mimobot’s US Presidents flash drives give Americans patriotic storage

Mimobot's Lincoln, Washington flash drives give Americans patriotic storage

We wouldn't have foreseen thumb drives figuring prominently into our President's Day observations, and yet... here we are. In sync with the holiday, Mimoco has kicked off a US Presidents collection of Mimobot storage that lets Americans carry their national pride on their USB 2.0 ports. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are the only current options -- what, no William Henry Harrison model? -- but the 8GB to 64GB of capacity should keep either stick useful once the novelty wears off. As long as you're prepared to spend between $20 to $130 to pick one up, either of the Mimobots is a decent choice for a drive. Just hurry if you want a flash-based replica of the country's key founder -- there's only 1,000 Washington drives to go around.

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Source: Mimoco (1), (2)

Mimoco Millennium Falcon microSD Reader Saves Files in Less than 12 Parsecs

Why smuggle your data on a regular device when you can put it in the cargo hold of a Mini Millennium Falcon? Most of us still carry a flash drive around, so why not make it as geeky as possible? You can get all kinds of Star Wars flash drives from Mimoco, but now they are branching out to readers and this one is pretty awesome.

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Just insert any microSD card into the Falcon’s cargo hold slot, and pop the USB stick in the computer. You can access all of the data on the card and pop it back into your phone or camera, or you can leave it in the Falcon and have a new flash drive that doubles as a toy.

Look at how cool it looks. MimoMicro Card Readers are $12.99(USD) – not including a microSD card, and you can get them in a variety of Star Wars related designs.

[via Geek]