‘Snowstorm’ personal flying machine lifts off in Singapore

What you're looking at above is Snowstorm, a personal flying machine. This electric-powered aircraft, designed and built by a group of students from the National University of Singapore, can be controlled by a human pilot and is capable of a vertical...

Artificial muscles lift 80 times their weight, pave the way for robot Superman

Artificial muscles could pave the way to robots with 'superhuman' strength

Other than a few models from Boston Dynamics, most robots don't exactly leave us quaking in fear. That might be off the table soon, though, thanks to a breakthrough from researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS). They've developed polymer-derived artificial muscles that can stretch out up to five times in length, enabling them to lift 80 times their weight. That could one day result in life-like robots with "superhuman strength and ability," which could also run on very little power, according to the team. They expect to have a robotic limb that could smack down any human in arm-wrestling within five years -- putting a possible cyborg version of Over The Top alarmingly within reach.

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