Tag Archives: nicolas cage
Nicolas Cage as Pokémon: I Choose You, Nic!
The kids went crazy for Pokémon when it was new and you couldn’t get them to stop until they caught them all. And even if you did catch them all, Nintendo just went and created more. That viscous cycle made them a lot of money. People also like Nic Cage. That’s why Etsy artist jbellzamyy created this Nicolas Cage Pokémon paintings.
Her store is full of all kinds of paintings of Nicolas Cage as Pokémon. You can get this “starter pack” for $96(USD). You get Cagechu, Cageasur, Snorecage, Jigglycage and whatever the other two are called.
She also has others in her shop. Like the seller says, “Gotta Cage them all”.
[via Creepbay]
Nicolas Cage Feels Like An Outsider
Nicolas Cage Becomes Grandpa of Augustus Cage
Feeling Cagey? Plasters Nicolas Cage’s Mug on Random Instagram #Selfies
There’s just something about Nicolas Cage that inspires people to create memes, apps, and even eyeshadows in his likeness. The latest one is called “Feeling Cagey?” and it inserts a little bit (or rather, a whole lot) of Nicolas Cage in each and every selfie it finds on Instagram.
The website basically parses through Instagram’s live feed and automatically tacks Nicolas Cage’s mug on people’s faces. It’s silly, it’s weird, and in a way, it’s strangely addicting.
Feeling Cagey? was created by web developer Josh McMilan, who clearly has way too much time on his hands.
[via Laughing Squid]
The Great Disney x Nicolas Cage Crossover
Nicolas Cage is so popular, he’s even got his own meme. Disagree all you want, but he’s one of the most widely-visible actors on the web–although not it’s not all good or positive sometimes. Somewhere in the middle though, are these Nic Cage x Disney Princesses crossovers where the head of each Disney princess has been replaced by Nic’s.
Who knew he’d make such a pretty mermaid?
Hit the break for the rest of these hilarious GIFs by Jen Lewis.
He does a pretty mean Cinderella, don’t you think?
VIA [ Incredible Things ]
Give Nicolas Cage a New ‘Do with Your Dry Erase Marker
I don’t always agree with the choices that Nicolas Cage makes with regards to his career, but I definitely have a strong opinion about his hairstyle – or his lack of one. Nicolas has been sporting variants of the same boring old ‘do for as long as I can remember. If it bugs you as much as it bugs me and his legions of fans and non-fans, then the good news is that there’s something you can do about it.
You won’t be able to make him change it, but you can try to convince him by showing him what he looks like with the help of a couple of dry erase markers and this handy dandy Nicole Cage whiteboard from Brandon Bird.
So you won’t be able to use it for anything else, but at least you’ll be able to have tons of fun and tons of laughs while you unleash your creativity and share it with your bestest pals.
The Nicole Cage hairstyle whiteboard is on sale for $20 on TopatoCo.
[via Laughing Squid]