LEGO Doctor Who Set Goes on Sale in December

21304 LEGO Ideas Doctor Who Set 00

Whovians have waited a long time for a new Doctor Who set, and LEGO has finally decided to make their dreams come true. With the official launch set for December, it seems that the Doctor Who LEGO set will be available just in time for Christmas.

First spotted in a French Shop At Home catalog and then officially confirmed by the Danish toy maker, the Doctor Who set has made some hearts (though no double ones) skip a beat. Even though it doesn’t feature all of Doctors, there’s only one companion, and it could generally be considered a minimalistic set, it still brought a lot of joy to Whovians from all around the world.

Only Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi’s versions of the Doctor have been included, and the back of the box even depicts the regeneration of the LEGO Time Lord. While I loved Matt Smith’s Doctor and story line quite a lot, I found the 8th series to be quite dull, and I still can’t tell if it was the new Doctor or his companion’s fault. Even the story seemed unimpressive, but everything seems to be back to normal in the new series.

Speaking of the sole companion found in this LEGO set, it is none other than Clara Oswin Oswald, the soufflé girl (or the Impossible Girl, if you prefer). In terms of villains, we have two Daleks and a weeping angel. I don’t even want to know what would happen if these two monstrosities worked together to bring the Doctor down.

As mentioned before, the set could leave the impression that it’s rather simplistic, but in fact it includes more than 600 pieces, besides the six characters. Submitted to LEGO Ideas by Andrew Clark, the Doctor Who set with model number 21304 is nothing short of stunning. Besides the figurines, it features the TARDIS, which is bigger on the inside, obviously, and several accessories specific to each version of the Doctor. The exterior of the TARDIS detaches from the interior, and can be closed up to look like the traditional Police Box. Some Whovians hope that the Weeping Angel will have a demonic face, while others weep the absence of David Tennant’s Doctor, especially since the 10th incarnation is the most popular one.

The set is expected to go on sale on December 1st, a few weeks before the Doctor Who Christmas Special, where we’ll get the chance to see River Song again. The price of €59.99 in Europe and $59.99 in North America seems decent, for a set of this size. There are no details regarding the availability, and some think that it will sell out in minutes, which really wouldn’t be surprising. If you want to surprise a young Whovian with an incredibly Doctor Who gift this Christmas, the LEGO Ideas set could fit the bill perfectly, as long as the recipient is 10+ y/o.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the couple of Whovians who wedded in Doctor Who style, or the Gallifreycrumb Tinies: Doctor Who alphabetical obituaries.

Via: Brickset

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doctor who puppetmagnify

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[via zap2it]