Optical Illusion Warped Placemat: You’re Eating All of That?!

Japanese product design studio A.P. Works has an idea for a placemat that will make it seem like your food and dinnerware are warping spacetime itself, because the placemats’ lines curve right where the spoon, fork and plate should be.

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It would be a lot cooler if the placemats actually curved around objects placed on them. Still, it’s amazing how a simple trick can be so convincing.

[via A.P. Works via Daily of the Day]

Food Blueprint Placemats: For Foodie Engineers

How does one go about with making the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich? What about the perfect sundae or a banana split? These are presumably some of the most commonly consumed snacks and treats in the country, so most people really don’t need any directions on how to make them.

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In case you find someone who doesn’t though, then you absolutely have to get them a set or two of these Food Blueprint Placemats. They keep the table clean and provide detailed diagrams and various views of these foods that will make putting them together a breeze.

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They’re  sold in sets of four and are priced at $20(USD) by Awkward Engineer.

[via Incredible Things]