About eight years since the last Harry Potter movie was released, fans of the J.K. Rowling franchise continue to fill their shelves with precious merchandise featuring characters and other remarkable...
Funko, the leader in collectible vinyl action figures, is introducing a new way for fans to play with their mini Funko dolls. The company has lifted the curtains on its new Funkoverse strategy board...
The creators of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has officially opened ticket drawing registration for the upcoming gathering of the game’s fans in the city of Indianapolis on August 31 or September 1.The...
After officially launching Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in the U.S., the U.K., Australia and Newzealand on Friday, Niantic has finally rolled out the game to 25 additional countries.As reported...
After officially launching Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in the U.S., the U.K., Australia and Newzealand on Friday, Niantic has finally rolled out the game to 25 additional countries.As reported...
Niantic, the studio behind Pokemon Go, has officially declared June 21 as the release date of its highly anticipated mobile game, “Harry Potter: Wizards Unite,” that is largely based on the award-...
Niantic, the studio behind Pokemon Go, has officially declared June 21 as the release date of its highly anticipated mobile game, “Harry Potter: Wizards Unite,” that is largely based on the award-...
Niantic released the first details about the Harry Potter Augmented Reality game the company develops after their huge Pokemon Go hit game. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite will be released this...
Niantic released the first details about the Harry Potter Augmented Reality game the company develops after their huge Pokemon Go hit game. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite will be released this...
Amazon offers the Harry Potter Mystery Flying Snitch by WOW! Stuff Collection for $19.99 on amazon.com. The regular price of this award-winning toy is $24.99. This must-have Harry Potter...