Crude oil prices took a dive to reach even lower than $60 per barrel recently. This is the first time such an extreme example of an all-time low in prices has been detected in half a decade. Crude...
Now we can see that the oil prices are going downwards. With the prices going downwards, we are seeing OPEC members facing concerns as Russia who heavily relies on petroleum products, would be...
Tension between Ukraine and Russia saw oil futures prices jump on Friday.Russia provides a large portion of Europe's oil supply. So Ukrainian insistence that Russian humanitarian convoy being sent...
AAA released the monthly gas report today and warns to expect “high gas prices heading into July 4 holiday.”The good news is that rates remained low and flat in the past week. The national average...
Russia’s economy had a pretty bad 2013 and there’s simply no point in arguing otherwise. The economy decelerated sharply and is likely to end up with somewhere between 1.3 and 1.4% overall growth....