Tanooki Mario Plush Flies into Our Hearts, and onto Our Couches

If you’re looking for the perfect accessory for your game room, look no further than this excellent plush version of Mario, dressed up in his famous flying  raccoon Tanooki suit.

tanooki mario plush

He doesn’t actually fly, but this newly available import from Sanei comes in two sizes, and will look great hanging out on your couch next to you as you play your favorite Super Mario game on your Nintendo console. I’ll let you in on a little secret, though. He’ll sit there and tolerate it while you play Modern Warfare 3 or even Skyrim if that’s your game of choice. Mario’s a pretty flexible guy.

tanooki mario plush 2

If you want a plush Tanooki Mario to be a couch potato with you, head on over to NCSX, where you can order him in small for $39.90 and in medium for $58.90. Sorry, I have no idea how big “small” or “medium” is.