The Nothing Robot Vacuum (1) brings transparent tech to Smart Homes, along with a Glyph Interface

If you think just about the company ethos of bringing fun back to tech while still being design-driven and meaningful, that ethos can apply to pretty much any category of product. Sure, Nothing’s best known for their earbuds, phones, and even other accessories like the CMF Watch Pro… so here’s a proposition – what if we took Nothing’s ethos and brought it to other products that are a bit of a visual afterthought? The robot vacuum, for instance, is a fairly ‘boring’ looking product. Its job is literally to scuttle around the house cleaning up after your mess, so for the most part, its design is driven by function rather than expression. However, by bringing the robot vacuum under the Nothing design umbrella, Soo Hyun Lim and PDF HAUS have uplifted an otherwise dull-looking appliance into something that inherently feels more modern – because it borrows its design cues directly from Nothing’s modern-looking smartphones.

Designers: Soo Hyun Lim & PDF HAUS

Meet the Nothing Robot Vacuum (1), a tongue-in-cheek fan-made concept that ports Nothing’s DNA onto a familiar product template. Most robot vacuums are the same shape and size, so how could you possibly make things interesting? Well, LEDs and transparent covers, of course! The Robot Vacuum (1) has a circular profile that’s then outfitted with a transparent D-shaped outer shell, giving it an almost ‘preserved in glass’ kind of look. Sensors are where they belong (on the front as well as on the top), and although you can’t entirely make a robot vacuum transparent, what with all the dust and dirt, Hyun Lim does something clever by bringing the Glyph Interface to the product. What does the interface do? Well, it acts as a progress bar that lets you know how much cleaning’s left. Similarly, Glyph lights on the vacuum’s docking station light up to indicate charging process as well as letting you know the fill-status on the station’s dustbin, so you know when to throw the trash out every week or so.

With the aesthetic appeal of a fancy turntable, the Nothing Robot Vacuum (1) highlights a kind of Bauhaus-meets-Scandinavian minimalism that companies like Bang&Olufsen have come to showcase so well with their products. The vacuum looks classy, not appliance-y, which is quite a win because of how menial its task actually is. I mean, sure some appliances have boring jobs, like thermostats and dehumidifiers, but that’s no reason they should look ‘boring’, right? Well, the Nothing Robot Vacuum (1) rejects that stereotype.

As far as the design goes, the vacuum comes in 3 colors – black, white, and grey. Just from a top view, you instantly recognize the Nothing design template. The Glyph Interface at the 7 o’clock position, the transparent elements along the body, and a radial pattern on the upper half of the circular top that sort of resembles the coils in the wireless charging zone on the smartphones. It’s simple, yet cleverly executed.

Just like with the phones, you’ve got microtextures galore, along with text screen-printed onto the transparent elements like the upper guard (that prevents the sensors on top from being damaged), and the front transparent bumper that helps the robot vacuum easily maneuver into corners. Moreover, Hyun Lim mentions that the vacuum is constructed from recycled plastic and aluminum, which seems like a nice sustainability touch that goes well with the ‘clean’ image of the vacuum cleaner.

Although conceptual, Hyun Lim does give the robot vacuum a fair bit of detail. You’ve got a rotary broom on the front, along with a vibrating wet mop that helps get grease, grime, and other stains off your floor. The simple design is complemented by a simple UX – you can lift the lid to access the robot’s power button or open its water reservoir to replenish it between cleaning sessions. The sensors on the front and top help the vacuum navigate through the house, while an app on the phone gives you all the controls you need to set schedules, paths, no-go zones, and charging times. Plus, when the robot vacuum runs low on juice, it automatically goes and docks in its station, where the battery gets charged and the dust-tank gets cleaned.

The docking station is just as minimal as the vacuum itself, and serves as a place where your appliance goes to take a pit-stop. Once docked, the Robot Vacuum (1) charges its batteries, while performing a self-clean operation so it’s good to go for round 2. This means the mop head gets cleaned with water, and the dust/dirt tank gets disposed into the docking station’s larger ‘dustbin’. When the dustbin gets filled (after a couple of days of cleaning), all you need to do is empty the trash bag inside and replace it with a new one. That’s where the docking station’s Glyph lights come handy, letting you know your vacuum’s charging rate, along with the dustbin’s current capacity.

Although the Robot Vacuum (1) is purely conceptual at this point, it does prove that Nothing’s approach to redefining technology as ‘accessible fun’ is quite a winning and versatile one. The Robot Vacuum (1) doesn’t exist but there’s no reason it shouldn’t. Carl, you listening?

The post The Nothing Robot Vacuum (1) brings transparent tech to Smart Homes, along with a Glyph Interface first appeared on Yanko Design.

Rectangular robot vacuum concept proposes a more efficient design for smaller spaces

Robot vacuum cleaners and mops are common sights these days, but despite all the advancements they’ve made in terms of technology, their basic shape has remained unchanged since the first-ever Roomba. They’re almost all circular, though the are some that have taken on rounded square forms, a shape that was dictated by the limitations of old technologies that don’t seem to be relevant today. This standard design, however, still carries over other limitations, like squeezing into tight spaces or cleaning corners. Perhaps it’s time to rethink that old and outdated design, which is what this concept tries to do in order to cater to homes with smaller, cramped spaces and messy floors.

Designer: Subin Kim

The initial design of robot vacuums was made primarily for the robot and not the humans. The circular shape made it easier for the machine to turn and correct its direction, something that was all too common given the very basic technologies from decades past. Today, however, most robot cleaners have no problem navigating the most cluttered floors, so there’s now an opportunity to rethink that basic shape.

mini is a concept design that stretches the robot vacuum into a more rectangular form, technically more pill-shaped with its rounded sides. The idea is that this robot can better squeeze itself into narrow spaces, like those between walls and furniture, or hug edges to properly brush and vacuum areas that even the most sophisticated circular robot can’t reach. In small apartments or tiny homes, that is more often the case, so such a design is more useful than the majority of round or square robots.

The design can actually be even more efficient than standard robot vacuums because it can change its orientation depending on the area of the floor to be cleaned. In its vertical mode, it can easily clean out narrow gaps, but then it can rotate and switch to horizontal mode if there’s a wider space available for it to move. Such a feat would require AI and advanced sensors, both of which are readily available on most robot cleaners today.

mini’s design does mean it won’t be able to turn quickly, but that can be handled by better obstacle detection and smarter navigation. Although it might not work perfectly in practice, the concept does challenge the status quo and encourages a design that really puts the user at the center, rather than simply turning such robot helpers into technological showcases.

The post Rectangular robot vacuum concept proposes a more efficient design for smaller spaces first appeared on Yanko Design.

Narwal Freo Z Ultra Review: AI for Clean and Stress-free Homes


  • Sleek and minimalist design that blends seamlessly into any home environment

  • Powerful features for thorough and hygienic cleaning

  • Privacy-respecting AI that knows what to clean and how to clean it well


  • Auto Water Exchange System is a separate purchase




The Narwal Freo Z Ultra makes AI relatable and useful, keeping your home clean and hygienic while also adding a touch of elegance to any space with its stylish design.

AI, machine learning, neural networks, and large language models are buzzwords not just in the tech industry but in mainstream media as well. Almost anything that has a tiny computer inside or connects to the Internet boasts of some AI feature, but most of them just talk about how powerful their product is for being able to do AI. Like any other technology, AI is supposed to help make our lives easier, not burden our brains with a litany of features to remember. At IFA 2924, Narwal unveiled the Freo Z Ultra robot cleaner to show how to do AI right, and we were able to get a first-hand preview of how it utilizes this powerful technology to keep our homes clean, our families healthy, and even our pets happy.

Designer: Narwal


Robot vacuum cleaners are nothing new; they are one of the first robots and automation to enter our homes. Over the years, the basic form of these circular machines has changed little, which means they have kept close to their utilitarian aesthetic which stands out too much in most homes today. Even the base stations, which are evolving in complexity, often look like oversized and uninspiring trash bins. Fortunately, Narwal applied not only artificial intelligence but also human intelligence to give the Freo Z Ultra a more human appeal.

The Narwal Freo Z Ultra is designed to blend seamlessly into your home, a part of it that doesn’t get in your way, both literally and figuratively. It doesn’t call attention in the way that something unappealing would, like a tool out of place, but only by its sleek and elegant appearance that makes you appreciate its presence in a positive way. The smooth curves, minimalist style, and premium-looking materials make the robot vacuum cleaner and its base station look like functional design objects instead of just appliances.

Admittedly, the robot cleaner itself doesn’t deviate too much from the standard formula. It is a circular machine with very few standout details, and that’s a good thing. It allows the robot to move around without being distracting, showing only the bare minimum that informs people of its functions or state. And thanks to its intelligent navigation system, you don’t even have to worry about bumping into it or getting in its way, as it will be the one to move out of your way as it should be.

All in all, the Freo Z Ultra combines simplicity and style in a single package, adding to a home’s aesthetic instead of distracting from it. It makes the AI-powered robot cleaning system look and feel more like a part of your home, rather than something tacked on and out of place. It might even become part of the family, in its own helpful and cute way.


Unlike devices that you operate by hand, you don’t really handle the Freo Z Ultra robot cleaner, which is definitely for the best. The reason you’d delegate this chore to a robot would be to avoid dealing with dirt and germs, so the less that you have to manually interact with the cleaning robot, the better. Fortunately, Narwal made sure to minimize those moments as much as possible, leading not only to a convenient mode of operation but to a hygienic one as well.

You don’t have to manually empty the robot’s dust bin. You don’t even have to wash the dirty mop. The only time you have to do some work is to empty the dust bag and replace the dirty water with a clean one, and even then you are guaranteed a sanitized environment thanks to the Freo Z Ultra’s smart features that we’ll get to later. Using these functions is definitely a walk in the park, as Narwal has made the design intuitive and easy to use.

Controlling the robot is a matter of setting it up in the mobile app and just letting it do its thing on its own. You don’t even have to lift a finger, literally, thanks to integration with smart home systems and assistants, which means voice control and automated scenarios. Yes, it sounds lazy, but the convenience means you get more time for yourself and your loved ones.


Smart robot cleaners are becoming the norm these days, but the Narwal Freo Z Ultra definitely pushes the envelope of what you can do with all that intelligence. Most implementations focus on AI-assisted navigation and obstacle avoidance, and of course, we see that here as well. More importantly, however, Narwal’s AI not only identifies what lies before the robot but also what to do about it, even if it means going back to it again and again.

This is the case with the Freo Z Ultra’s Next-gen Proactive AI DirtSense, which means it knows that the thing in front of it is some kind of dirt and can actually identify what kind of dirt it is. If it’s dry dirt, it sucks it up, but if it’s a wet spill or stain, it mops it up. It also detects how much more mopping is needed and returns to the spot after the mop has been cleaned at the base station. It intelligently understands in real-time if a certain section of the floor requires more thorough cleaning than other spots instead of just applying the same amount of vacuuming or mopping, which tends to spread the dirt around instead. In that sense, it’s almost human in the way it thinks and behaves, closely mimicking how we would approach such a problem as well.

Just as with dirt, The Freo Z Ultra is able to correctly identify the type of floor and carpet so that it can automatically adjust its settings without you having to tell it. For carpets, it can lift the mop to a height of 12mm to avoid staining the material, and it also maximizes the suction power up to 12,000 Pa for more thorough cleaning. For wooden floors, it applies only 7N of mopping pressure to protect the sensitive material, but ceramic tiles get 12N of pressure to better clean off dirt and stains.

And yes, the Narwal Freo Z Ultra has some pretty impressive obstacle avoidance skills, thanks to dual RGB cameras that let it see better, as well as not one but two processors, one dedicated solely to AI. This TwinAI Dodge Obstacle Avoidance system can recognize over 120 objects in the house and see the world like we humans do, in three dimensions. This helps the robot not only navigate spaces and avoid objects but even understand what it needs to actually do in order to clean that space.

This feature is especially important to households with pets, where the presence of a robot cleaner could wake up a sleeping pet or cause unnecessary stress. The Freo Z Ultra knows when it approaches a pet and avoids the area, but it also knows that it needs to return to the area again and again until our furry friend is awake and away. It then uses that same intelligence to determine how much it needs to clean your pet’s favorite spot to make sure it’s spotless and hygienic for your smaller family members.

The Freo Z Ultra’s intelligence extends to the way it cleans up after it cleans your floors. The base station doesn’t just empty the dust bin and wash the mops but makes sure both are clean and hygienic as well. It washes the mop at a warm 45°C for normal dust-based or powdery stains but ramps up the temp to 60°C for oil-based dirt like grease and sauce. It then heats things up even further at 75°C to really kill the bacteria, after which it dries the mop at only 40°C to make sure it won’t get damaged. It also applies hot air dust drying at 45°C to kill the bacteria inside the bin.

The Narwal Freo Z Ultra is overflowing with smart features on top of standard ones like an anti-tangling brush and Reuleaux triangular scrubbing mops that really get to those edges and corners. The best part about the smart robot cleaner is that you don’t actually have to mind any of these, as it’s smart enough to do the right thing at the right time, freeing you from worry and stress and giving even your pet some peace of mind.


Even though robot vacuum cleaners have been around for decades, some things haven’t changed that much, like the heavy use of plastics and non-sustainable materials. There might come a day when giants in this industry like Narwal start using more eco-friendly materials, but for now, it is tackling the problem from a different angle. In a way, the Freo Z Ultra uses its AI-powered features not only to preserve the longevity of the product but to also be more energy efficient in the long run.

Knowing when to clean is only one part of conserving energy and saving on your electricity bill. Knowing how to properly clean an area and itself can also contribute to this energy-saving strategy. Rather than applying the same pressure or suction power or heat uniformly across all instances, adjusting the settings lower or higher as needed is ultimately smarter and more efficient. The way it also takes care of itself ensures that the Freo Z Ultra will be your cleaning companion for a very long time, saving you money and reducing unnecessary e-waste over time.


There’s no doubt that the Narwal Freo Z Ultra is one of if not the smartest robot cleaners to date. That makes it an amazing piece of technology, but does it really add value to your life? With the many things that burden our minds and take up our time, the last thing we often want to do is deal with chores like cleaning the floor. And while there are definitely lessons to be learned in such labor, there are also better uses of our limited time as well.

In the end, that’s what this smart AI-powered cleaning robot delivers, not just clean floors but also peace of mind and freedom from stress and worry. We don’t have to fuss over whether the little robot does its job well because we know it does. It’s not yet perfect but learns and improves along the way, much like us. The Freo Z Ultra offers a clean, safe, and hygienic environment while also freeing us to spend more time with the more important things in life. You can’t get any better value than that!


There are many robot vacuums that boast AI-powered smarts, but most of them simply means they know their way around your home. The Narwal Freo Z Ultra puts all that computing power to work in teaching the robot how it needs to clean as well. From identifying the kind of dirt and applying the right way to clean it, to waiting for your pet to get up and then clean its spot thoroughly, the Freo Z Ultra frees you from having to worry about such minute details and focus instead on more enjoyable activities. Best of all, it looks stylish and elegant in your home as well, almost like having a designer object doing your chores for you.

The post Narwal Freo Z Ultra Review: AI for Clean and Stress-free Homes first appeared on Yanko Design.

AI-powered robot vacuum concept brings both brains and heart to your cleaning chores

A lot of people like me leave the house early in the morning and return late at night just to rest and sleep. I rarely have time and energy to actually clean the house thoroughly. But of course you need to make time to get rid of dust or else your health and your peace of mind will be affected. Robot vacuums are the best friends of those who need a bit of clean up without exerting much energy and we’re seeing a lot of options and concepts for this kind of cleaning tool.

Designer: Raye

Hestia is a concept for one such tool, named after the Greek goddess of the hearth and the home because it protects your home from germs and dust. It is basically a robot vacuum cleaner but it uses AI technology to make the cleaning process easier and more convenient. The AI, together with the ultrasonic sensors located on both sides, helps the cleaner set a path to clean your home and also avoid obstacles (probably as long as you don’t leave random things lying around your floor). It has two rear wheels that can give it a good “kick” while the front wheels lets it go forward and sideways.

The vacuum itself looks like a small, flat robot with a small head on top. It has an external display that shows off the “emotion” of the robot with its camera and lidor sensor while the Demeter CPU enables the smart space cleaning feature. The default face is its normal, tranquil mode while the cleaning mode shows off an angry face because of the dirt and dust she needs to clean. When the battery is low, it shows off a weak face. The monitor also displays the battery level and the cleaning process.

The Hestia robot vacuum cleaner uses anodized aluminum and polycarbonate material so you get a more “sophisticated” but clean and minimalist look. The charging station which looks like the robot’s mother ship is able to empty the dustbin so you can just gather all the dirt and dust inside it for disposal later on. It seems like something that will greatly benefit people like me who are too busy (or sometimes lazy) to do regular cleaning.

The post AI-powered robot vacuum concept brings both brains and heart to your cleaning chores first appeared on Yanko Design.

eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro with World’s First Floor Washing Function makes cleaning enjoyable

We all know that keeping the floor clean is important but this seemingly simple activity turns out to be tedious and time-consuming. Robot vacuums have been around for quite some time now to ease that pain, but few are able to go beyond just sucking up dust and small particles. And those that can wipe the floor tend to be inefficient, ineffective, or both. A leader in the smart home market, eufy is presenting its latest design that will keep your floor clean without getting your hands dirty, saving you time and energy to spend on the more important things in life.

Designers: Simon Kim (Senior Design Manager, eufy), Jaewan Jeong (Design Director, eufy)

Click Here to Buy Now: $999 $1499 ($500 off). Hurry, only 207/700 left! Raised over $1,300,000.

It might have “robot vacuum” in its name, but the eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro is definitely more than just that. It’s an all-in-one floor-cleaning machine that makes no room for compromises when it comes to getting the door out of your floor space. Its 8,000 Pa suction power makes short work of dust and solid particles on your floors and carpets, but that’s only the beginning. Its real power comes from its revolutionary floor washing system that ensures no dirt or stain is left to mar the beauty of your floor.

100% Clean Under UV Light See the visibly different cleaning results of S1 Pro compared with a normal robot mop.

Spinning at a rate of 170 RPM and exerting a downward force of 10N, this 290mm TurboWash roller mop mimics how a human would scrub a floor to get those stubborn stains out. Unlike other robot vacuums with the bare minimum mopping function, the eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro has two separate water tanks in the device itself, separate clean and wastewater to ensure that the mop itself stays clean and doesn’t drag its own dirt across the floor it’s supposed to be cleaning.

Eco-Clean Ozone™ Eliminates 99.99% of Germs. Built-in ozone sanitization for the highest standard of cleanliness.

Once the robot is done with its task, it retreats to the innovative All-in-One Station where it not only charges its batteries but also initiates a completely hands-free cleaning process. It automatically empties the dust bin and disposes of wastewater, cleaning the mop and drying it with hot air to prevent the growth of bacteria and odors, and then refills the robot’s tank with clean water for the next session. It even has a built-in ozone generator that sanitizes not just the mop but also your floor with a sterilization rate of up to 99.99%, creating a safe environment for children and pets even during high-risk seasons. All of these happen without human intervention, and you only need to empty the dustbin after 68 or so days!

Automatically detects carpet edges and lifts the mop to protect the material.

While it already sets itself apart with its revolutionary cleaning features, the eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro stands out even more with its groundbreaking design and advanced intelligence. Eschewing the traditional circular form that has dominated this market for decades, the eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro adopts a unique square body that is compact, sleek, and modern, adapting to the needs and tastes of today’s sophisticated homeowners. Winner of the iF Design Award 2024 and Good Design Award, the eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro delivers a fresh and memorable design that doesn’t compromise on functionality. In fact, it’s thanks to that square shape and low 96mm profile that it can reach within 1cm of walls and corners and glide under low furniture with ease.

Even the All-in-One Station itself is a testament to eufy’s commitment to excellent design. Its minimalist aesthetic and narrow body not only saves space but also enhances the visual atmosphere with its elegant appearance. That simplicity, however, belies intelligent features that bring convenience and comfort to users’ lives. An effortless touchscreen allows the user to directly access features without having to fumble with a smartphone. The transparent water not only lets you easily check water levels at a glance, it also gives the design a modern and hi-tech vibe. Finally, the station’s ergonomic golden height means you won’t have to bend over and strain your back just to open the lid or change the water in the tank.

Despite its compact size, the robot actually packs quite an impressive assortment of technologies, like a 3D MatrixEye™ Depth Perception system that utilizes the same RGB camera with active binocular technology used in self-driving cars for obstacle avoidance. Its TrueCourse Mapping™, powered by a dToF LiDAR, the same LiDAR technology used in NASA’s Landing project, ensures precise mapping of your home, while the powerful eufy mobile app gives you the ability to schedule cleaning times, set no-go zones, and manage multi-floor mapping. Whatever the floor cleaning task, the eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro promises a stress-free experience that will leave your floor clean and sanitized so that you and your family can live better, safer, and more enjoyable lives.

Click Here to Buy Now: $999 $1499 ($500 off). Hurry, only 207/700 left! Raised over $1,300,000.

The post eufy Robot Vacuum Omni S1 Pro with World’s First Floor Washing Function makes cleaning enjoyable first appeared on Yanko Design.

SwitchBot K10+ Mini Robot Vacuum cleans narrow, hard-to-reach places with ease

Robot vacuum cleaners are quite the fad these days, offering peace of mind by keeping your floors clean without getting your hands dirty. They come with a wide range of advanced features and a variety of designs, but they all have one thing in common. The majority of robot vacuum cleaners come with very large bodies, often justified by the power they pack inside. Bigger isn’t always better, though, and size can even become a liability rather than an asset when dealing with small, cramped areas or difficult corners. That’s no problem for the world’s smallest robot vacuum cleaner, sneaking into tough corners and narrow paths in order to provide a more efficient cleaning experience in a compact and portable package.

Designer: SwitchBot

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (Use coupon code “UP50MRCS” to get $100 off). Hurry, deal ends in 48-hours!

With it’s compact design K10+ can reach smaller spaces to clean better.

The SwitchBot K10+ honestly looks too cute to be true. At only 248mm in diameter and 92mm tall, it’s only half the size of run-of-the-mill robot vacuums and might easily be mistaken for a toy. In fact, you can easily lift it with one hand and carry it upstairs or anywhere, which means you can easily move it to rooms that need cleaning in a snap. Despite that diminutive size, however, the K10+ is no slouch, and it’s exactly thanks to its size that it is able to offer more for less.

K10+ features a design that can blend in with any home, making it even less intrusive.

LiDAR Navigation.
K10+ allows you to achieve AI level precise mapping and quickly plan cleaning range at a speed of 2080 pts/sec.

K10+ returns to its base station for charging when battery is low, and returns to the last place it cleaned to finish up.

With its smaller diameter, the SwitchBot K10+ can easily navigate narrower spaces without breaking a sweat, deftly reaching the floor between the wall and a closet, underneath the couch, or in between the legs of a side table. Because it’s able to clean areas that most robot vacuums steer clear of, it offers 90% more coverage and significantly increases its cleaning efficiency. Of course, it’s not enough to simply be able to roll where no robot vacuum cleaner has gone before, and this little wonder surprisingly packs quite the assortment of cleaning features that puts it on par with its larger rivals.

Use the app to control the K10+

You might be surprised that the smallest robot vac actually boasts a suction power of 2500Pa, which means that even kitty litter and small pieces of food are no match for this wonder of technology. Even with that much action going on, it is able to keep quiet while it does its job, down to 50dB or 50% quieter than the industry average. It can also mop the floors after it has sucked them clean, and the disposable cleaning pads free you from the hassles and risks of dealing with dirty mops after each cleaning session. Best of all, the large 4-liter dustbin can collect dirt for up to 70 days before you need to take out the trash.

The SwitchBot K10+ is also equipped with plenty of smarts, from SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) self-navigation to obstacle and no-clean zone detection to scheduling cleaning sessions. It can also integrated with smart home platforms, including Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri, and even IFTTT for hands-free voice control. With the SwitchBot K10+, you never have to worry about missing those hidden corners and spots ever again and dedicate more of your time to the more important things in life.

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (Use coupon code “UP50MRCS” to get $100 off). Hurry, deal ends in 48-hours!

The post SwitchBot K10+ Mini Robot Vacuum cleans narrow, hard-to-reach places with ease first appeared on Yanko Design.

SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach

It’s expected that with time, all technology gets more powerful, but also gets more compact. If you compare the phone we have today to the clunky Nokia mobiles of the 1990s, there’s a massive difference in their size and capabilities. Laptops, cameras, televisions have all become slimmer/sleeker with time… and now so has the robot vacuum. Compared to the average vacuum still available today, SwitchBot’s K10+ is palpably smaller in size. However, while most technology grows slim purely for visual aesthetics, the K10+’s miniature size is actually a design feature. Measuring merely 9.7 inches in diameter (24.8 centimeters), the K10+ easily fits into tight spaces where most conventional robot vacuums struggle. It weaves through the legs of stools and side tables, gets into tight gaps between the sofa and the wall, and even weaves through your dining table, cleaning between the table legs, chairs, etc. Touted as the smallest robot vacuum cleaner with an external dustbin, the K10+ is 50% smaller than a conventional vacuum, and 90% more efficient too, because of its ability to clean more parts of your home.

Designer: SwitchBot

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

With it’s compact design K10+ can reach smaller spaces to clean better.

Feature for feature, the K10+ matches up to every flagship robot vacuum, with high suction, wet and dry cleaning, smart features, auto navigation, no-go zones, quiet motor, and a 4L dustbin that also doubles as the K10+ charging station. However, its less-than-10-inch diameter and 3.6-inch vertical make it perfect for navigating every nook and cranny in your home. The robot comes equipped with a vacuum capable of 2500Pa, but is practically inaudible thanks to SwitchBot’s SilenTech technology that cuts noise by 50% to a manageable 48 decibels, making the K10+’s operating noise much lower than conventional vacuums. That means more cleaning, less disturbance, and a lower chance of the vacuum driving your pet dog crazy.

K10+ features a design that can blend in with any home, making it even less intrusive.

LiDAR Navigation.
K10+ allows you to achieve AI level precise mapping and quickly plan cleaning range at a speed of 2080 pts/sec.

K10+ returns to its base station for charging when battery is low, and returns to the last place it cleaned to finish up.

Deploy your K10+ and it effectively maps out and navigates your house, cleaning parts that would often get neglected by other robot vacuums. The rotating brushes push dirt, dust, and food particles towards the suction head, which promptly vacuums it right into the K10+’s built-in dust tank. The K10+ wet-mops too, thanks to a disposable ‘Cleaning Pad’ that plugs to the base of the vacuum, and can be removed and discarded after use like a wet-wipe for your floor. The dust within the K10+, however, gets automatically disposed in its dedicated garbage collection base. The base, which also charges your K10+, collects all the dust and dirt vacuumed by the robot in its large receptacle. With an overall 4-liter capacity, you have to clean out the base less often, freeing up your time so that the robot does the chores… not you.

Use the app to control the K10+

Setting a cleanup routine on the K10 is as easy as either using SwitchBot’s app or giving a voice command to your smart home AI. The K10+ is compatible with Alexa, Google Home, Siri Shortcuts, Samsung SmartThings, and IFTTT, while the smartphone app gives you access to even more features like being able to set specific cleaning areas, program no-go zones, etc.

The ‘world’s smallest vacuum’ comes with a petite price tag to match, starting at $499 (with a special coupon that brings the price down to $399.99 on Amazon). Its small design might fool you, but it’s equally powerful as your current robot vacuum while being more nimble and efficient, allowing it to reach those inaccessible parts of your home too. Moreover, it weighs 5 lbs (2.3 kilograms), allowing you to carry it up and down the stairs too, for multi-level cleanliness!

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

The post SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach first appeared on Yanko Design.

SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach

It’s expected that with time, all technology gets more powerful, but also gets more compact. If you compare the phone we have today to the clunky Nokia mobiles of the 1990s, there’s a massive difference in their size and capabilities. Laptops, cameras, televisions have all become slimmer/sleeker with time… and now so has the robot vacuum. Compared to the average vacuum still available today, SwitchBot’s K10+ is palpably smaller in size. However, while most technology grows slim purely for visual aesthetics, the K10+’s miniature size is actually a design feature. Measuring merely 9.7 inches in diameter (24.8 centimeters), the K10+ easily fits into tight spaces where most conventional robot vacuums struggle. It weaves through the legs of stools and side tables, gets into tight gaps between the sofa and the wall, and even weaves through your dining table, cleaning between the table legs, chairs, etc. Touted as the smallest robot vacuum cleaner with an external dustbin, the K10+ is 50% smaller than a conventional vacuum, and 90% more efficient too, because of its ability to clean more parts of your home.

Designer: SwitchBot

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

With it’s compact design K10+ can reach smaller spaces to clean better.

Feature for feature, the K10+ matches up to every flagship robot vacuum, with high suction, wet and dry cleaning, smart features, auto navigation, no-go zones, quiet motor, and a 4L dustbin that also doubles as the K10+ charging station. However, its less-than-10-inch diameter and 3.6-inch vertical make it perfect for navigating every nook and cranny in your home. The robot comes equipped with a vacuum capable of 2500Pa, but is practically inaudible thanks to SwitchBot’s SilenTech technology that cuts noise by 50% to a manageable 48 decibels, making the K10+’s operating noise much lower than conventional vacuums. That means more cleaning, less disturbance, and a lower chance of the vacuum driving your pet dog crazy.

K10+ features a design that can blend in with any home, making it even less intrusive.

LiDAR Navigation.
K10+ allows you to achieve AI level precise mapping and quickly plan cleaning range at a speed of 2080 pts/sec.

K10+ returns to its base station for charging when battery is low, and returns to the last place it cleaned to finish up.

Deploy your K10+ and it effectively maps out and navigates your house, cleaning parts that would often get neglected by other robot vacuums. The rotating brushes push dirt, dust, and food particles towards the suction head, which promptly vacuums it right into the K10+’s built-in dust tank. The K10+ wet-mops too, thanks to a disposable ‘Cleaning Pad’ that plugs to the base of the vacuum, and can be removed and discarded after use like a wet-wipe for your floor. The dust within the K10+, however, gets automatically disposed in its dedicated garbage collection base. The base, which also charges your K10+, collects all the dust and dirt vacuumed by the robot in its large receptacle. With an overall 4-liter capacity, you have to clean out the base less often, freeing up your time so that the robot does the chores… not you.

Use the app to control the K10+

Setting a cleanup routine on the K10 is as easy as either using SwitchBot’s app or giving a voice command to your smart home AI. The K10+ is compatible with Alexa, Google Home, Siri Shortcuts, Samsung SmartThings, and IFTTT, while the smartphone app gives you access to even more features like being able to set specific cleaning areas, program no-go zones, etc.

The ‘world’s smallest vacuum’ comes with a petite price tag to match, starting at $499 (with a special coupon that brings the price down to $399.99 on Amazon). Its small design might fool you, but it’s equally powerful as your current robot vacuum while being more nimble and efficient, allowing it to reach those inaccessible parts of your home too. Moreover, it weighs 5 lbs (2.3 kilograms), allowing you to carry it up and down the stairs too, for multi-level cleanliness!

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

The post SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach first appeared on Yanko Design.

SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach

It’s expected that with time, all technology gets more powerful, but also gets more compact. If you compare the phone we have today to the clunky Nokia mobiles of the 1990s, there’s a massive difference in their size and capabilities. Laptops, cameras, televisions have all become slimmer/sleeker with time… and now so has the robot vacuum. Compared to the average vacuum still available today, SwitchBot’s K10+ is palpably smaller in size. However, while most technology grows slim purely for visual aesthetics, the K10+’s miniature size is actually a design feature. Measuring merely 9.7 inches in diameter (24.8 centimeters), the K10+ easily fits into tight spaces where most conventional robot vacuums struggle. It weaves through the legs of stools and side tables, gets into tight gaps between the sofa and the wall, and even weaves through your dining table, cleaning between the table legs, chairs, etc. Touted as the smallest robot vacuum cleaner with an external dustbin, the K10+ is 50% smaller than a conventional vacuum, and 90% more efficient too, because of its ability to clean more parts of your home.

Designer: SwitchBot

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

With it’s compact design K10+ can reach smaller spaces to clean better.

Feature for feature, the K10+ matches up to every flagship robot vacuum, with high suction, wet and dry cleaning, smart features, auto navigation, no-go zones, quiet motor, and a 4L dustbin that also doubles as the K10+ charging station. However, its less-than-10-inch diameter and 3.6-inch vertical make it perfect for navigating every nook and cranny in your home. The robot comes equipped with a vacuum capable of 2500Pa, but is practically inaudible thanks to SwitchBot’s SilenTech technology that cuts noise by 50% to a manageable 48 decibels, making the K10+’s operating noise much lower than conventional vacuums. That means more cleaning, less disturbance, and a lower chance of the vacuum driving your pet dog crazy.

K10+ features a design that can blend in with any home, making it even less intrusive.

LiDAR Navigation.
K10+ allows you to achieve AI level precise mapping and quickly plan cleaning range at a speed of 2080 pts/sec.

K10+ returns to its base station for charging when battery is low, and returns to the last place it cleaned to finish up.

Deploy your K10+ and it effectively maps out and navigates your house, cleaning parts that would often get neglected by other robot vacuums. The rotating brushes push dirt, dust, and food particles towards the suction head, which promptly vacuums it right into the K10+’s built-in dust tank. The K10+ wet-mops too, thanks to a disposable ‘Cleaning Pad’ that plugs to the base of the vacuum, and can be removed and discarded after use like a wet-wipe for your floor. The dust within the K10+, however, gets automatically disposed in its dedicated garbage collection base. The base, which also charges your K10+, collects all the dust and dirt vacuumed by the robot in its large receptacle. With an overall 4-liter capacity, you have to clean out the base less often, freeing up your time so that the robot does the chores… not you.

Use the app to control the K10+

Setting a cleanup routine on the K10 is as easy as either using SwitchBot’s app or giving a voice command to your smart home AI. The K10+ is compatible with Alexa, Google Home, Siri Shortcuts, Samsung SmartThings, and IFTTT, while the smartphone app gives you access to even more features like being able to set specific cleaning areas, program no-go zones, etc.

The ‘world’s smallest vacuum’ comes with a petite price tag to match, starting at $499 (with a special coupon that brings the price down to $399.99 on Amazon). Its small design might fool you, but it’s equally powerful as your current robot vacuum while being more nimble and efficient, allowing it to reach those inaccessible parts of your home too. Moreover, it weighs 5 lbs (2.3 kilograms), allowing you to carry it up and down the stairs too, for multi-level cleanliness!

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

The post SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach first appeared on Yanko Design.

SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach

It’s expected that with time, all technology gets more powerful, but also gets more compact. If you compare the phone we have today to the clunky Nokia mobiles of the 1990s, there’s a massive difference in their size and capabilities. Laptops, cameras, televisions have all become slimmer/sleeker with time… and now so has the robot vacuum. Compared to the average vacuum still available today, SwitchBot’s K10+ is palpably smaller in size. However, while most technology grows slim purely for visual aesthetics, the K10+’s miniature size is actually a design feature. Measuring merely 9.7 inches in diameter (24.8 centimeters), the K10+ easily fits into tight spaces where most conventional robot vacuums struggle. It weaves through the legs of stools and side tables, gets into tight gaps between the sofa and the wall, and even weaves through your dining table, cleaning between the table legs, chairs, etc. Touted as the smallest robot vacuum cleaner with an external dustbin, the K10+ is 50% smaller than a conventional vacuum, and 90% more efficient too, because of its ability to clean more parts of your home.

Designer: SwitchBot

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

With it’s compact design K10+ can reach smaller spaces to clean better.

Feature for feature, the K10+ matches up to every flagship robot vacuum, with high suction, wet and dry cleaning, smart features, auto navigation, no-go zones, quiet motor, and a 4L dustbin that also doubles as the K10+ charging station. However, its less-than-10-inch diameter and 3.6-inch vertical make it perfect for navigating every nook and cranny in your home. The robot comes equipped with a vacuum capable of 2500Pa, but is practically inaudible thanks to SwitchBot’s SilenTech technology that cuts noise by 50% to a manageable 48 decibels, making the K10+’s operating noise much lower than conventional vacuums. That means more cleaning, less disturbance, and a lower chance of the vacuum driving your pet dog crazy.

K10+ features a design that can blend in with any home, making it even less intrusive.

LiDAR Navigation.
K10+ allows you to achieve AI level precise mapping and quickly plan cleaning range at a speed of 2080 pts/sec.

K10+ returns to its base station for charging when battery is low, and returns to the last place it cleaned to finish up.

Deploy your K10+ and it effectively maps out and navigates your house, cleaning parts that would often get neglected by other robot vacuums. The rotating brushes push dirt, dust, and food particles towards the suction head, which promptly vacuums it right into the K10+’s built-in dust tank. The K10+ wet-mops too, thanks to a disposable ‘Cleaning Pad’ that plugs to the base of the vacuum, and can be removed and discarded after use like a wet-wipe for your floor. The dust within the K10+, however, gets automatically disposed in its dedicated garbage collection base. The base, which also charges your K10+, collects all the dust and dirt vacuumed by the robot in its large receptacle. With an overall 4-liter capacity, you have to clean out the base less often, freeing up your time so that the robot does the chores… not you.

Use the app to control the K10+

Setting a cleanup routine on the K10 is as easy as either using SwitchBot’s app or giving a voice command to your smart home AI. The K10+ is compatible with Alexa, Google Home, Siri Shortcuts, Samsung SmartThings, and IFTTT, while the smartphone app gives you access to even more features like being able to set specific cleaning areas, program no-go zones, etc.

The ‘world’s smallest vacuum’ comes with a petite price tag to match, starting at $499 (with a special coupon that brings the price down to $399.99 on Amazon). Its small design might fool you, but it’s equally powerful as your current robot vacuum while being more nimble and efficient, allowing it to reach those inaccessible parts of your home too. Moreover, it weighs 5 lbs (2.3 kilograms), allowing you to carry it up and down the stairs too, for multi-level cleanliness!

Click Here to Buy Now: $399.99 $499.99 (20% off). Hurry, deal ends in 48 hours!

The post SwitchBot’s ‘Mini’ K10+ Robot Vacuum Navigates Tight Spaces Your Roomba Can’t Reach first appeared on Yanko Design.