Sinch Stows Your Earbud Wires Neatly

I go through a couple of pairs of earbuds every month because of the careless way I handle them, letting them get all tangled, and sometimes damaging the wiring inside. I’m not, in any way, proud of that, although I figured it was worth mentioning since I think I’ve found the solution to my earphone woes: the Sinch.

SinchIt’s basically a neat-looking magnetic strip that has a teeny hole where you’re supposed to insert your earphone’s plug. Keep sliding until Sinch is above the metal part of the plug, then plug your earphones onto your iPhone or iPod Touch and you’re all set.

To keep your earphones, just wrap them around your device and over the Sinch, then fold the latter over to keep them in place.


When you’re ready to use them again, just pull on the earbuds, and you’re good to go. I’m hopeful that with one of these in place, the chances of damaging my cords will go down dramatically. The Sinch is available online for $15.99(USD).

[via Dvice]