Breaking Bad Heisenberg Paper Snowflake

Do you want to build a meth lab? Well, maybe you should try this snowflake first. You know, start small. You aren’t going to build your drug empire in one day.

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This fun and festive Heisenberg paper snowflake design was created by artist Lloyd Kinsley. If you click the link above, you’ll find a downloadable PDF of the design. I would suggest using a crystal blue colored paper so it matches Heisenberg’s world-famous meth.

Hopefully Santa is a fan of the show and knows that you just like drama, because you don’t actually want any meth in your stocking. Would he do that? Well, the man just tries to make dreams come true. So yes.

[via Geekologie]

Minecraft Paper Snowflakes Will Creep up Your Christmas

Minecraft fans will enjoy hanging these paper snowflakes on their Christmas tree this year. You have probably already downloaded and cut some other paper snowflakes. Now you can add some Creepers.
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These snowflakes are from Instructables contributor Penolopy Bulnick. You can choose from snowflakes with weapons or one that looks like a bunch of Creepers. They looks great and blocky just like in the game. If your tree happens to be pixelated, these will look even better. At least until the Creepers explode.

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You’ve spent hours upon hours playing the game, so you might as well deck the halls with Creepers this year. Have a very Minecraft Christmas and a Creeper New Year!

[via Nerd Approved]

DIY Star Wars Snowflake Patterns: Use the X-Acto, Luke.

We’ve seen several different Star Wars inspired paper snowflakes surface over the years. Some of them were laser cut and others were apparently done freehand. That meant unless you had a fancy laser cutting set up or were crafty in your own right, you probably weren’t going to make these cool snowflakes yourself. Some new Star Wars snowflakes have surfaced that are made from paper that you can make yourself.

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The designs include Boba Fett, Emporer Palpatine, Nien Nunb, and Rancor as well as the AT-AT snowflake, which is my favorite. The good news here is that the designer of the snowflakes, Anthony Herrera, has offered up some patterns that you can print out and cut yourself. Of course, the prospect of all the precision cutting work makes my wrists hurt just thinking about it.

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Still, if you have a sharp knife and some time on your hands, you can create your own Star Wars snowflakes with these patterns. Check out the gallery to see several of the available snowflake patterns to choose from.

[via Nerd Approved]

Boba Flake: Star Wars Laser-Cut Snowflake Ornaments

Do you have empty spaces on your tree that aren’t filled with geeky ornaments? You could cut out your own paper snowflakes, or you could fill up those empty spaces with these laser-cut, acrylic Star Wars snowflake ornaments.
Boba Flake
They’re available in stormtrooperBoba Fett or Yoda designs. Each ornament measures 4-inches in diameter, is 1/4-inch thick, and is full of geeky holiday joy.

Yoda is available in green acrylic or oak plywood. Don’t worry, I’m sure these ornaments are made from wood that was not harvested from Endor. In other words, no Ewoks were harmed to make these. Or Wookiees for that matter.

yoda snowflakes

You really can’t go wrong with these on your Christmas tree. Especially since they sell for just $5(USD) each over at Light Carving’s Etsy shop.

[via Nerd Approved]