Star Wars Pixels Art By Raul Aguiar

Star Wars Pixels Art  by Raul Aguiar

While we’re waiting in between Star Wars films, why not enjoy an alternative look on the series and the characters, like with this incredibly fun looking Star Wars Pixels art?

Raul Aguiar, an artist based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, gives Star Wars (and other pop culture characters) makes Star Wars look a lot more fun and cheerful than it actually is (not that I mind dark and brooding in the right amount).

There is a lot of Game of Thrones on his website, but his best work, in our opinion, has to do with Star Wars creations. It makes us wish someone would make an 8-Bit Star Wars game, with some humoristic twist on it. More than anything, his work reminds me of Sierra’s Space Quest games, probably their finest quest series, and they had a lot of good ones.

Actually, if you do enough digging, there are Star Wars games from the 8-bit era, but these ones by Aguiar do have a modern twist and slickness to them. It might not be one of Disney’s top priorities at the moment, but making a simple game, maybe even for phones and tablets, based on this kind of visual style, could rake them even more money, and we know that above all else, cash makes that giant company tick.

Be Social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter. For more Star Wars fan art check out our Star Wars Characters as Fruits & Vegetables

Via klonblog

If Star Wars Characters Were Fashion Models

if star wars characters were fashion models

Taking Star Wars characters and outfit designs and turning them into something of a runway show for fashion models isn’t the most obvious of ideas, but that’s when fan art truly fulfill its purpose. 

The easiest of transformations comes with Rey, who is played by the stunning Daisy Ridley, so no points for creativity there. But to think of Chewbacca turned into a coat of fur is both ambitious and cruel, and turning droids into Heroic chic like models deserve a few more credits too.

My favorite of the bunch is turning BB-8 into a fully functional dress, although Yoda actually being anything other than a short, old Jedi Master is always interesting to look at. Last thought: I wonder if the Boba Fett model has a Sarlaac waiting for her at the end of the runway. Check out this awesome Star Wars Couture Collection, which was created by the very talented by  Guillermo Meraz.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter. For more star wars related topics you might what to check out these awesome behind the scenes photos from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, also make sure to visit our Star Wars section on Walyou.

If Star Wars Characters Had Cats

If Star Wars Characters Had Cats

Griz and Norm Lemay are feature animation artists at Walt Disney Animation Studio, and besides having a day job, they do some wonderful stuff on Instagram, which includes doing some fantastic mashup art of Star Wars characters and cats.

They don’t just make great art. They’re excellent when it comes to picking the right cat for the specific character they’ve drawn up, which is just as important of a talent in order to make the perfect drawing as the act of creating them itself.


While BB-8 isn’t a cat (I think), it seems that cats love him. Does this mean he’s secretly evil? Or that he’s simply capable of turning even the most devilish of creatures in the galaxy?

It is known: If you park your car and don’t move it, some cat is going to take over it’s roof or hood. So with R2-D2 in something of hibernation mode to start ‘The Force Awakens’, it’s not very surprising to find a cat sleeping on his shiny dome.

Rey isn’t annoying like the DC Comics Cat-Woman, but there are definitely some similar traits. She picked up some pretty cool sidekicks along the way since running into BB-8 on Jakoo, so why not another one, and a Bengal cat no less.

Princes Leia and her fluffy kitty. #griz #grizandnorm #kittycatclub #starwars #fanart #princess #leia #fluffy #cat #kitty A photo posted by Griz and Norm Lemay (@grizandnorm) on

The younger version of Princess Leia (not the jaded general we meet in Episode VII) seems like she needs a lively, beautiful cat around her as they feed of each other’s beauty. The older version of Leia? She’s probably sitting alone at home with some scruffy looking cats, thinking about some depressing stuff, which you know what they are if you’ve already seen the film.

I guess Padme is the queen Cleopatra of the Star Wars universe. I don’t know what it says about Anakin and about cats in general, but the artist picked out the perfect feline for her.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter and check out this Super Mario inspired cat tree which will make your pet love you even more, or glance through our awesome selection of the best fan art made in 2015.

Hat Tip / Griz and Norm Instagram

Darth Vader vs Other People


Darth Vader, in any kind of reality, continuity and comic book universe, makes a lot of enemies. Maybe it’s the mask, or maybe it’s the attitude. One thing is sure – whether fighting good guys or bad guys, nearly every artist sees the man formerly known as Anakin Skywalker as ...
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Stormtroopers Are People, Too! Sassy Stormtrooper Fan Art


Stormtroopers are people, too! No, really, they are human elite troopers for the Imperial Army and fight for Emperor Palpatine and the Sith Lord. But they’re so much more than that … or at least their women are.

These amazing pieces of Star Wars Stormtrooper fan art by Cisternas show the sassy ...
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