Star Trek Stick Figure Decals for Your Car: Family of Four to Beam up

I’m not sure why, but family stick figure decals on cars always annoy me. Maybe I’m just jealous I didn’t think of the idea first. Anyway, I actually find these Star Trek decals to be pretty cool. Carpooling: The Final Frontier.

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This set doesn’t just include a few decals either. All of your Trek favorites are here and they look great. You get a total of 32 decals in the set, with 23 different characters from the original series.

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  • Tall characters (4 3/4″ tall): Capt. Kirk, Spock, Nurse Chapel, Uhura, McCoy, Sulu, Scotty, Chekov, Yeoman Rand, Romulan (female), Andorian, Gorn, Isis, Klingon (male), Orion (female)
  • Short characters (3 3/4″ tall): Capt. Kirk x 2, Spock x 2, Nurse Chapel x 2, Uhura, Chekov
  • Other: M-113 Creature (5 3/4″ tall) , Mugato (4 1/2″), Tribbles (1″) x 6, Star Trek logo

The full set of decals goes for $14.99(USD) from ThinkGeek. I guess the tribbles represent your pet dog or cat, while the Mugato almost certainly represents your mother-in-law.

[via Nerd Approved]