Jack of all trades: Tempo Smart Calendar does a little bit of everything

Jack of all trades Tempo Smart Calendar does a little bit of everything

Sure, your phone's built in calendar does a fine job of keeping track of meetings and chiming in with the occasional alarm, but can it tell you how to actually get to those meetings, or tell your colleagues that you're running late? That's the promise behind the Tempo Smart Calendar, a machine learning iOS planner that leverages the same SRI patents that fathered Siri. Tempo pulls information from the user's contacts, email and apps to present a more complete calendar experience -- associating scheduled events with specific people, or sussing out a meeting's specific location based on limited information (such as "the Starbucks at mission"). The app even promises to ease your social obligations by wishing your Facebook friends "happy birthday," when appropriate. As time goes on, the smart calendar app acclimates to the user's patterns, streamlining how it associates information with appointments based on previous use. Check out the calendar's full assortment of tricks in the press release after the break.


Source: iTunes