Rhonda Adkins wants Divorce from Trace Adkins

Trace Adkins has not led an easy life. His previous two wives, whom he has long since divorced, have an additional member that has joined their ranks: his current wife. Rhonda Adkins has cited...

Trace collects your kick, push, coasting metrics, shares them on social media


If you land a kickflip and no one's around to watch, did it really happen in the first place? Should ActiveReplay secure its $150,000 Kickstarter goal, skaters may never have to grapple with such existential crises again. The company, which includes a number of fairly impressive pedigrees like the former CTO of Magellan, is looking to bring a new action sports tracker to market. Trace is sort of a pedometer for skaters, surfers and snowboarders, clipping to a mount on the bottom of your board and collecting data via nine-axis inertial sensors. The info collected is transmitted via the module's built-in Bluetooth 4.0, allowing you to share tricks and other metrics via sites like Facebook and Twitter. Still need some convincing? There's a Kickstarter pitch video after the break.

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Source: Kickstarter