Luuuk Trojan stole over $680,000 in just a Week, then disappeared

Luuuk is the name of a mysterious Trojan that was discovered in early 2014 after having allowed its creators to steal more than €500,000, or about $680,000, in just seven days by performing “Man-in-...

Babis Cloud Trojan Horse: Is There a Computer Hiding Inside?

I spend so much time in front of a computer that I do see myself sometimes being buried with one. However, keyboards are definitely a nice piece of technology, which can be used in a variety of different ways. German artist Babis Cloud created a Trojan horse that’s completely made up of key caps from old computer keyboards.

trojan horse babis cloud installation

hedonIsM(y) trojaner is a somewhat awkward name, but the horse definitely looks awesome. The recycled keys weren’t assembled haphazardly, but arranged to create gradients of ivory-white, in order to replicate the famous horse that’s referred to in Homer’s Odyssey and originally mentioned in Virgil’s Aeneid.

trojan horse babis cloud installation stand

The sculpture is suppsoed to be a commentary on the hedonist susceptibility of contemporary culture, referencing trojan viruses as well. Whatever the reason it was made for, it’s definitely an amazing looking piece of keyboard art.

trojan horse babis cloud installation close

[via designboom]