The Voronoi mesh on this bike helmet allows it to absorb maximum impact with minimal material

A perfect example of how generative design can be used to create products that serve their purpose incredibly well, the Voronoi Bike Helmet comes with an unusual mesh on its outer surface. The mesh, created using parametric modeling, helps maximize shock absorption while minimizing material used, creating a helmet that’s effective but also lightweight. Sitting right under the flexible mesh is its underlying hard-hat, made from carbon-fiber.

The helmets unusual design helps it do its job incredibly well. The outer layer cushions impact, while the underlying hard layer protects your skull. Both parts of the helmet use materials and modeling techniques that help them fulfill their requirements while being extremely lightweight, so you never really even feel like you’ve got a helmet on your head!

The Voronoi Bicycle Helmet is a winner of the A’ Design Award for the year 2020.

Designers: Zhecheng Xu and Yuefeng Zhou

Parametrically designed ‘Generico Chair’ takes on your weight with half the volume


Designed using generative algorithms, the Generico Chair by Marco Hemmerling and Ulrich Nether fall under the domain of computational or parametric design, i.e., the use of computational algorithms in the design process. The generative design process allows the software to add its expertise by achieving a design that fulfills certain parameters. In this case, the chair retains its strength and also comes with a flexible backrest, but with a volume that’s drastically cut down, and that uses less material, thanks to its voronoi-esque design.

The Generico Chair not only cuts down on volume, but it also maintains a certain level of ergonomic design so the chair is comfortable to sit on. The chair is then 3D printed, given that the generative design comes with its share of manufacturing constraints. It, however, retains a beautiful, skeletal charm that’s brought about by the unique combination of creativity and the software-aided form design.

Designers: Marco Hemmerling and Ulrich Nether.





